gopooh and i are leaving tomorrow for E&C's wedding in austin. so i was looking at the wedding website, and i started skimming the list of ppl who put their time and energy into planning, aka the participants.
and then i saw a familiar last name. a couple of doctors listed as E's sponsors. their description was that they lived in farmington hills near their 3 children, whose names weren't given... the first thought that went through my mind was, "G's parents??? noooo. well, maybe..."
i went to G's wedding in 2002, but i sure didn't know his parents' names. i did however know that they were doctors from farmington hills, so i asked a mutual friend if she happened to know G's parents' first names, and it was confirmed: E's sponsors are G's parents! i'm totally gonna have to ask E, but i bet her parents were at G's wedding, too! heh. too funny. and the world is tooo small.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
i can't decide if i want to change my last name when gopooh and i tie the knot. i'm indecisive in general, but i'm also very torn on this issue.
at heart i'm still a traditional sort of gal. not in the sense that men should bring home the bacon and women should stay pregnant and barefoot. no. but men should be gentlemen, and women should be ladies, as far as romance and relnshps are concerned.
when gopooh and i got engaged, although we'd never really discussed it, i expected him to ask my dad for his blessing. from a previous family discussion i knew that my parents felt it should be done out of respect, and it is, of course, very traditional. truth be told, i don't know what i would've done if he hadn't done so... make him re-propose? that seems ludicrous... but i had enough confidence to know that he WAS (and is) a gentleman and therefore would do it 'right' the first time.
being into tradition, i should change my name. right? isn't that how tradition goes? man courts woman. man buys woman a ring. man proposes on bended knee. woman says yes. man and woman have a lovely wedding, where they are introduced as "mr. and mrs..."
another thing is, even now, when gopooh and i check into hotels together, if they don't explicitly ask for my full name, i often see HIS last name attached to my first name. and our joint mail would be addressed to "mr. and mrs." neither of these things is a big issue, but still... the assumption's made... families share a last name. i do it too; i think of my friends' moms as mrs. [friend's last name] even though it isn't always the case. and if gopooh and i have a kid, i'd prefer for us all to have the same last name.
but i'm not sure i can bear to part w/ my name. i know changing it wouldn't change who i am, but still... isn't it part of identity? after all, what do you do when you think you hear your name? turn! what a reflex. i can't even imagine answering to smthg else.
the other issue i have w/ changing my last name is that it's s'posedly super inconvenient to change all the medical licensing stuff. i hate dealing w/ that crap. plus, i'm already set at work; my last name is found in the hospital system and that's what i get called, at least by strangers and patients.
i even have my medical signature down pat, and even though not wanting to change my signature is a stupid reason to not change my name, i just have to say that signing "slee" rocks. it's short and sweet and comes out legibly in one fluid motion. no Is to dot, no Ts to cross. if i change my last name to gopooh's... well his is more difficult to write quickly, b/c although only one letter longer, it's full of loops and bumps. that's why HIS signature is just a bunch of scribbles.
so i don't know. and i also don't know why this is such a big deal. it should be simple. it IS just a name, after all.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
only in michigan could it be 80° one day and 60° the next. *sigh* i guess we should just be grateful that the weather stayed beautiful as long as it did, huh.
there are some things a/b winters that i like. i like wool pants, b/c i think they have a nicer, more professional look to them. i like skiing, even though i haven't gone 3 winters in a row. i like double looping my long colorful scarf around my neck b/c it keeps the heat in sooo well. and i like warming my cold fingers and toes on T hahaha.
but i hate that the leather on my beloved italian boots gets lined w/ wear. i hate having to watch my step so i don't crack my head open on an icy sidewalk. i hate wearing scrubs in general, but especially w/ cold wind batting against my legs. and i hate that my eyes get dry unless i periodically yawn to stimulate some excess tears. that is the worst of all. if i didn't have to deal w/ the eye issue, i'd trade in all the warm weather in the world.
ok scratch that last sentence. but i'd definitely be willing to trade in some summer days for well-lubricated winter eyes.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
this weekend i party hardied in plymouth w/ 10 others (including my best friend from chicago whoo hoo!) to celebrate a birthday. the guest of honor's now 32 and not exactly taking it too hotly.
my friends range in age from mid-20s to early-30s, but i think of us as all being in the same age group. the big three-zero is s'posed to be scary, but when i think of 30, i think of ppl who act very much like i do, regardless of their marital status. and 32 is only 2 years older than 30, so what difference does that make, right?
apparently, to someone who's 32 looking at someone who's 27, it makes a world of difference. normally age is just a state of mind between friends, i think. but when birthdays come around, they just seem to make the older person feel even older, and suddenly the younger person -- me in this case -- seems like such a baby, at least from the older person's perspective.
if we were 20 and 25, w/ one of us out in the real world and the other living it up in college, then ok, the gap would be huge. but WE all left the college life years ago and are now smart, successful adults. ok the last half of that sentence is questionable, but the part a/b leaving college awhile back is definitely true. :p
most ppl my age tend to want to be younger and they get offended if their age is guessed correctly. you thought i was HOW old?! *gasp* i find that so odd. since when did 25 become old???