men can be so icky sometimes. seriously.
as i was sending this one patient out the door today, he said, "you're so young, and so pretty. and your skin. it's impeccable. it's flawless. how do you do that?" so to be polite i thanked him and told him i try to take good care of it and avoid putting 'stuff' on it. he then hopped down from the examining table and came right up to me. "really. do you mind if i touch it?" his right hand was already inching its way up to my face, and i quickly took a big step backwards. um... yeah, let's NOT do that... ewwwwww.
that is so nasty. i sent him back to his regular doctor, that's for sure.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
one of my patients had a spontaneous abortion, or in plain english, a miscarriage. i feel so bad for her. when i asked her if she planned on trying again, she said yes, in 5-6 months. she's just one of those ppl who really really wanted the baby. she and her boyfriend came into their PNC visits w/ questions written down... even little things like, how much cheese is ok during pregnancy? they were so cute.
i've gotten to know my OBs just b/c it's the nature of the beast. i mean, i've done over 300 office visits in the last year. a number of them were urgent cares, or procedures. i don't recognize their names. and then there are patients i think of (good or bad) as 'mine,' ppl who identify me as their doctor and usually refuse to see anyone else in the office, b/c they're my regulars. i've seen them so often i can picture their faces.
but w/ the OBs, it's different. they come in like clockwork, and even though the PNC visits are short (and generally easy), i see them just that much more often. at least for 10 months, for happy visits. i mean, almost ALL of them look forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat. they bring their kids, they bring their significant others, and you get to know things about them, from what sex they hope the baby is to how they think their parents are going to handle being grandparents. it's nice.
this was my first miscarriage. i know it happens often, but this was the first time one of MY patients lost a baby. i cringed when i saw her name on my schedule, b/c now their visits are about whether the tissue has passed or not. not quite the regular cheery OB visit.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i used to love kids. when family friends' kids were over, i gave them shoulder rides and painted their nails and all that jazz. i used to want to be a pediatrician, y'know, until i did my peds rotation in med school. most ppl didn't like peds b/c they couldn't stand dealing w/ parents... those who clearly didn't know anything about medicine but thought they did, those overprotective ones, and even those who couldn't care less. i, on the other hand, didn't like peds b/c i didn't like dealing w/ the kids. the crying, the kicking, the screaming, the whining. the germs. ugh.
but yesterday i truly realized exactly how much i DON'T like kids. gopooh and i had to go shopping for a his future nephew's baby shower. going up and down the aisles at target was more painful than a sharp poke in the eye. little playsets, ugly strollers, baby seats, etc. oh my god! at first the only registry item we found was basically a reclined seat used for baths. we could just see some baby's head under the water in that thing. the sad thing is, death trap that it was, we almost got it for them, b/c after all, they registered for it.
gopooh felt guilty, though, since this WAS for his future nephew. so we looked some more. 20 minutes more, to be exact. it sucked. i couldn't care less about which playset they registered for. the kid won't know the difference, so who cares? i had no interest whatsoever. at some point i sat down and let him look on his own. luckily some other shopper saw us clawing our eyes out and helped us find the one on the list. hahaha.
gopooh says i've rubbed off on him too much, b/c although he never liked kids, now he also can't stand when they scream at restaurants, or spit up all over the place. the former is REALLY annoying though. my dad took my brother out of restaurants all the time when he screamed so other ppl could eat. i'd say that at least 50% of parents now aren't that thoughtful. if you're not willing to sacrifice, you shouldn't have kids. ugh. can you tell that we already said no to babysitting?