we are leaving for st. thomas tomorrow. yea! after work today we're going back to michigan, because we're actually flying out of detroit. it's a hassle, but gopooh wanted to do it this way b/c each ticket was $200 cheaper. we'll hang out tonight, and have breakfast w/ his family tomorrow morning... and then we are on our way! these last 2 years have flown by. it's hard to believe that we've been married for 2 years already. so far we've been able to do this annual anniversary trip, and it's great; it really provides an annual 'renewal' of our feelings. i know it's only been 2 years, but i'm optimistic about continuing it. and there are still so many places we'd like to explore together. :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
well gopooh is done w/ all his interviews now. i flew out w/ him to a second interview in baltimore this past sunday through tuesday. the weather was dreary, but i still liked the area! my brother was coincidentally in town for business, and gopooh's cousin teddy lives in a nearby city. so on sunday we had dinner at a cute japanese restaurant w/ the two of them. :) a realtor showed us 5 houses for rent. a couple of them were dingy but we really liked 2 of them. apparently the rental market has fast turnover in the area, so who knows if they'll be available in a few months. but at least it gives us an idea of what's out there. prior to visiting, my impression of the area was skewed due to gopooh's constant review of crime statistics. :p but the downtown area was nice! on monday gopooh went on the interview. i found myself at the biggest outlet mall i'd ever seen, happily shopping, when my brother called and said he had a few hours of free time. so i picked him up downtown and we walked around along the water and enjoyed some east coast custard. it was nice!
the ortho group is cool. the youngest guy is about 4 years older than gopooh, and they all seem to be friends. as in, they are all buddies that work together, and their spouses know each other too... kinda like my residency class. i like that! the only thing i was surprised by was the sheer volume of food that they ate. i mean, gopooh and i are eaters and they easily outdid us. heh. so yeah, i approve of the area! now the question is, does gopooh like the job...
Sunday, March 01, 2009
things are still up in the air as far as relocation goes. when gopooh started his job search, he had very specific ideas of what he wanted... and is interviewing w/ 3 ortho groups in 3 completely different areas. baltimore, new hampshire, and palm springs. to say that we disagree about where to live would be putting it mildly. for the last few months, E has been making fun of me, because as she puts it, i just won't be satisfied anywhere. the south is too hot, the east/west coasts are too expensive, chicago is too cold, etc. i'd never really thought about it that way, but after she first said that, i realized it was true. oddly enough, for a month after we decided to move here, i complained to everyone, but now i'd be lying if i said i would hate staying here... maybe part of it is that it's so close to michigan, and i also hate moving, but maybe this shows that i could live anywhere... who knows. in any case, we'll have to see how things pan out. i'm sure gopooh and i will be having many discussions about the next phase of our lives...