we're nowhere close to even considering having kids at this point. somewhere between being a babysitter who wanted to be a pediatrician and finishing med school, i became someone who doesn't really like kids. gopooh never used to be that way, but i think my influence has rubbed off, b/c now he too gets irritated when kids talk at a movie theater or cry on planes. haha. there's been a little pressure from both of our parents now to have kids. my parents see how happy their grandparent friends are, and they went from "we won't babysit every day" to "we'll babysit whenever you want, so you can still travel." and gopooh's parents just plain old want a granddaughter, since C & S are done after just having boy #2. the problem is, if we ever have a kid, we'd expect our kid to be smart, cute, behave well, go to a good college and get As, and become successful. there is none of that "as long as it's healthy" crap, and that in itself should be enough reason for us not to be parents. :p let's just say that we're happy w/ our kid-free lives and don't really see any reason why we should change out of some societal 'obligation' to procreate. we (but i more than gopooh) really really want a dog though, and we're going to start looking into breeders!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
i turned 31 this past weekend. wow, i'm so old! :p gopooh was actually out of town saturday and sunday taking his oral boards, so i lounged around and watched movies on the DVR. then his parents stopped by on their way back from a wedding in pittsburgh, and we went out to dinner at mallorca. gopooh wasn't due back until later, but surprisingly, he managed to fly stand-by on an earlier flight (he snagged the last seat!) and got back while we were chatting at starbucks. overall, i had a lazy relaxing weekend. it was just what i needed.
Monday, May 04, 2009
a lot of things have been happening recently, but the biggest thing is that we've decided where to move... baltimore! i have mixed feelings about the whole thing. on the one hand i'm glad it ended up being baltimore; it was my first choice based on location alone. i'm really excited to experience a new place, and hopefully a home that isn't so ghetto on the weekends. i never thought i'd end up on the east coast, but now that i think about it, it'll be nice to be close to so many other cities. on the other hand, it'll be so weird living so far away. this year i was able to get together w/ some michigan friends on a monthly basis, but obviously that won't happen anymore. i know we cut ties w/ the idea of staying in michigan when we moved last summer, but maybe it never really sunk in, b/c now it feels like we are really leaving. plus we have no friends in baltimore, and it seems like making friends once you're out of school is a lot harder. i hate moving. it's such a pain, and some things magically disappear during moves... even when you moved everything yourself... when we moved here we left our furniture behind in michigan, but now we're going to take it all to baltimore. so we have to move everything from 'cleveland home' AND 'plymouth home.' just thinking about it gives me a headache.